4 Reasons You Must Harness the Titanic Branding Power of Wikipedia

Many otherwise very savvy people mistakenly believe they are not eligible for their own Wikipedia profile, or worse – they underestimate the importance of using Wikipedia to turbocharge their personal and business brand online. Avoiding Wikipedia makes as much sense from a business productivity and competitive marketing standpoint as eschewing …
9 reasons why the “right to be forgotten” won’t work

“What happens in Vegas stays on the internet” is a phrase that reputation managers love to use in their presentations, and it’s true. (Did anyone say Prince Harry..?) There’s always going to be someone with enough motivation to publicize information, and someone for whom the information is important enough to …
Creating a personal website

Creating a personal website is a great way to start promoting your online reputation. Since Google likes brands, this may help your website rank quickly under your personal name, as well as present you as serious and web-savvy. So you’ve reached the obvious conclusion that you need to start building …